Monday, January 18, 2010


seriously, wow. I didn't realize how many people I know, count on and look for my blog posts to see how I'm doing! It makes me feel good because I know people care enough about me, to join me on this journey. Which is pretty brave, considering I think I look like hell most of the day and am constantly dripping sweat. I have no doubt that I stink etc, but Bryce is hanging in there like a champion. He even made dinner while I was at my workout yesterday! It was a pretty rough one last night, but I made it through it. And it also made for a very exhausting night shift. Today we made it through our entire session with almost no breaks! We did 3 sets of everything with no breaks in between sets! I had some little mini-collapse sessions in between due to pain or exhaustion, but I jumped right back in there as soon as I could. No pain no gain right? But I wasn't about to herniate or something. lol Today is the first day in a couple that I actually really hurt. My hands hurt, my chest hurts (the muscle, don't panic), my legs STILL hurt (one day they might actually not hurt lol I hope) and now for something completely different, my butt hurts. And for once, it's not because I've been sitting around! wohoo!

My clothes are starting to fit better, and I've noticed I feel a lot less like a blob, and just more comfortable in general. When I startede this program, sitting wasn't comfortable, laying wasn't comfortable, standing wasn't comfortable, I couldn't sleep, and I hated myself. I've been sleeping A LOT better since we've started, and I'm confident that I'm actually getting enough rest, without overdoing it. Maybe I'll become a morning person after all?? lmao!! You never know!

Now the moment you've all been waiting for, my weigh-in results! Well, not as good as last week. I need to push harder still, but I know little by little I'll get there. I lost 2.5 lbs this week, which brings my total weight loss to 6 lbs. I'm much more interested however, in the BMI and inches measurement in 2 weeks. I can feel the muscle growing, I can feel the flab shrinking, so it'll be pretty cool to see exactly how many inches I've lost in total. Muscle weighs more than fat right? As long as I don't look like a muscle-bound tank at the end I'll be happy. The weight is one thing, but you can't put a price or a number on being healthy. I WON'T succumb to diabetes or heart disease, I WILL be able to get pregnant and have a family, and I WILL do whatever it takes to get my body in the best condition it's ever been in. I won't get myself down or depressed about minimal loss, at least it's loss, and I feel the difference!


  1. YAY!

    Didn't take that long to start to feel really good about it :D 6 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome!!

  2. That's AWESOME Jackie... you're doing it! I'm SO glad you feel the difference! Just wait until other people start to NOTICE the difference too. You'll feel like a million bucks!
