Monday, January 11, 2010


well I had my weigh-in, and it turns out my scale is wrong, so I only lost 3.5 lbs. Which is something, I mean, it's better than gaining, but I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. So, I had my wonderful husband hide our scale on me, so I won't be tempted to weigh myself in between weigh-ins. Hopefully, I'll still end up losing a bunch of weight in the end.

On another note, this horrendous gas pain I've been having is worse. So much so that I ended up leaving work yesterday after 2.5 hours. I spent the remainder of the day on the couch drinking hot tea. (My trainer told me hot water would help, so why not hot tea??) Long story short, it didn't help. The pain just kept coming. I know without a doubt that it's gas pain, because I can hear it, I can feel it moving. I just wish something would work to get rid of it! I'm thinking today I'm going to hit the walk-in clinic, maybe they have something more industrial strength to get rid of gas pain... who knows right? It's so debilitating, it's like you're just walking along, doing your thing, when all of a sudden BAM! I was getting nautious, flushed, dizzy.... my god you'd almost think appendicitis if it wasn't for the fact that I don't have an appendix! Hopefully today I'll get it sorted out and my life can return to normal. It's frustrating though, because I'm doing everything RIGHT. I'm eating healthy food, I'm exercising, sleeping, happy.... Why couldn't I have had these issues when I was eating junk?? Why does my body have a spazz when I'm doing what I should have been doing all along?? It just doesn't make sense! It's not fair! I mean, I understand that a sudden diet change to a high fibre diet is a lot to handle, but why should it affect the body this way?? If people knew about this, would they actually feel compelled to eat right? "You should eat right, but by the way, when you do it causes you to be bowled over with stomach pain.... but eat right anyway!" lol ridiculous.

I'm stiff and sore today from our exercise in the field yesterday. My inner thighs are killing me, and my back is a little stiff. We were doing some exercises that my body sure isn't used to! But I'm sure I will get used to it all eventually. We'll just have to wait and see.

I need to learn some patience. I want to lose all this weight right here, right now. *sigh* 3 months seems so long, when you know the end result is A.) a mystery and B.) what you've wanted your whole life. It's weird.

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