Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1st

Omg can you believe it's August?? already??! I'm so excited! I can't wait to experience all the seasons in our new home! :D Anyways, onto the food stuffs...

yesterday after breakfast I had:

2 pieces toast with poached egg
Cream of spinach soup
baby carrots

Dinner at inlaws: Roasted pepper pasta salad, potato salad, brocolli slaw, corn on the cob, and ribs. (there was bread there too, but I passed on it) I had dessert too. Turtle cheesecake, and a scoop of icecream. I shouldn't have done it, but I won't deny that I had it! However, looking back on it, it really didn't seem worth it... :( I think I'll pass on it next time. I had 2 pieces of ribs, but seconds on nothing else. I didn't pile my plate high either, and I tried to eat slowly. For once I think I was the last person finished eating! :D

Breakfast of shredded wheat and bran cereal, with almond milk.

Given that we went to the inlaws yesterday for supper, we had no opportunity to go grocery shopping. So, once again I will be having soup for lunch from work. Oh well, at least it's soup! Also, I would like to mention that there was really yummy looking cake on the table at work for the better part of the day. I didn't touch it. Not once! I will take this moment to pat myself on the back. :D I notice that when I have to write down everything I eat, I'm a little more conscious of what I put in my mouth. I think "is it worth it?? do I really want to admit that I did that??" and it really helps. Here's hoping I can keep this up!

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