Friday, July 30, 2010

On my own

well, since I have been finished with The Biggest Loser program, I have been VERY self destructive. I've been eating whatever, drinking alcohol, and not exercising. My hip has been hurt since a fateful day at work when it popped, and really hasn't been the same since. It hurts all the time, and I haven't yet found an answer as what to do about it. A good and wise friend suggested I try glucosamine, so today I will be off to the pharmacy to make that purchase. (Glucosame Sulfate, because glucosamine chondroiten has shark fin in it... and I don't want anything to do with that.) So, today starting right this moment, I'm back ON the wagon. I don't have a food journal anymore, so I'm going to try (note TRY because I'm not the best at remembering to blog, but I'm really going to try hard) to write down everything I eat during the day here on my blog. So here goes for the day so far....

I have had:
  • 1 cup of coffee with splenda and creamo
  • no breakfast (I know, that's bad, but I have to admit it!)
  • Greek style salad (green onions, tomatoes, green peppers, low calorie kraft vinagrette) and baked chicken (no oil, no seasoning, just baked as is)
  • I will be having a granny smith apple also.
  • For a snack later I will be having baby carrots.
  • Dinner as of yet is undecided, as we may be having company over. I will post dinner tomorrow.
I am not going to be living by the scale this time. I found during my last program, that I spent so much time stressing about weigh-ins etc, that I couldn't enjoy my life as it was. MY LIFE! So, I will begin by eating right once again. Next, I am now working a lot of dayshifts for the summer, so I will be more active in my job, which should empower me to be more active at home. So far, I believe that it is working. My home is clean, baking has been done, and my garden is tended. As for exercise, I have joined another bootcamp with my previous trainer, Leo. I have only attended once this week, as my hip has hurt a great deal since the first day (monday), and am anxiously awaiting recovery. I'm hoping that a steady regime of glucosamine and ice will help the situation so I will be healed for next week.

A final word to anyone who knows of anyone else who is a larger size. I have been actively getting rid of my clothes. I have been selling off my clothing and scrubs for $5 each piece. Sizes available range between 1x and 3x, most scrubs are 2x. If you know of anyone who would like to look at or purchase some nice clothes that I can no longer use, it would be greatly appreciated by me if you would pass it along. Any money that I earn is going to purchase a Nintendo Wii, so I can use the Wii fit here in my living room. (For anyone that knows me well enough, knows that I enjoy playing games, and I enjoy beating that game! So a Wii fit seems like a good match for me.) I'm sure everyone knows how expensive that system is to purchase, so I'm attempting to raise the money by selling off my clothes from when I was heavier, so I can actively get thinner and more healthy! Also, anyone that knows US, would know that as my husband has epilepsy, this game system would not be used to play actual sit-down video games. This is for the Wii fit ONLY.

Anyway, as I have someone on their way over as we speak to purchase some clothing items, I must end my blog for today. Stay tuned for more menu-ing etc tomorrow. lol!

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I have the Wii fit plus, you guys are welcome to come over and try it out to see how much you like it!
