Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good Morning World!

Once again starting the day with a smile on my face! Well, at first I wasn't. Today I have learned a valuable lesson... or two. lol First, I have realized that the first 20 minutes or so after I wake up, are when I feel best during the day. No cramping, no nausea, no dizziness, no nothing! If I wasn't so ecstatic about being pregnant, I probably wouldn't even remember that I was at all until after I had my coffee! Second lesson, and the largest, is to stay off of the freaking internet! I was feeling a little stiff this morning, my shoulders and back were aching a bit and needed to be stretched out. Well naturally what I do first is look up "pregnancy + shoulder pain" on google. IDIOT! First bunch of items that come up, is all about preeclampsia. So, I read and I begin to panic, meanwhile as I move around the achiness goes away, and I realize that I have NONE of the other symptoms of preeclampsia. So I got myself all panicked and worried for nothing.

So today, I have officially banned myself from looking pregnancy worries up on the internet. I will take all my questions and concerns to my midwife. Why do we do this to ourselves?? Get ourselves all worked up in a tizzy over a symptom that could be anything or nothing?? Why do we feel the drive to look crap up on the internet, then get all panicked over what we read, as if what is written on every page is gospel? Because we are hormonal; every emotion and feeling is enhanced to the point where we are either extremely happy, or feeling the absolute WORST is going to happen. Yeesh, where's the cure for THAT during pregnancy?? I can handle the nausea, the cramping, the headaches, the dizziness, the sore boobs, all of it! But the hormones, THAT is what's going to kill me first!

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