Thursday, April 7, 2011

so soon

oh yes I know, it's been a long time since i posted, and believe me I have my reasons! But it doesn't matter. I post what I need to, when I need to, because blogging is just one of my many kinds of therapy; I don't always need it, but I use it when I must. :)

It is half past 3 in the morning, and I can't sleep. WHAT? I spent most of the day sleeping due to pregnancy exhaustion, I am 36 weeks pregnant with twins (technically full term) but my heart and brain won't stop racing! I have this strange gut feeling that I will be having these babies very soon, maybe a day or two. Up until now, I had many conflicting feelings and emotions about these babies, but laying in bed tonight trying to fall asleep, most of those emotions and feelings just went away....

I was terrified. Honestly, completely terrified. Afraid I wouldn't be a good mom, afraid I wouldn't be able to handle everything, afraid I wouldn't be able to cope... Well that feeling is completely gone. I could lay there and imagine their beautiful little faces, hell I still can sitting here staring at this screen. I look at my round full belly, and for once I don't feel resentful for the pain and discomfort, I don't feel afraid for what's to come... I feel excited. I want to meet them, I want to love them, I want to hand our babies to my husband and see the love light up in his face and know he'll be absolutely smitten with them from that moment on. Thinking about the incredible joy we will get to feel, is overwhelming me, a happiness I've never felt and they aren't even out yet.

Contractions have been happening. Don't panic yet, it's been going on for days, and they are ridiculously irregular. In fact I had my non stress test the other day, and it proved that everything is still going swimmingly. One contraction in 12 hours certainly doesn't constitute labour, but I am keeping an eye on it. Because well, you never know right?? No other symptoms yet, except that I'm up, anxious and practically giddy at 3:30 am.

Everyone is so proud!! Every person I've talked to, from family, to friends, to my doctor, to my midwives.... they are all so proud that I've done so well and come so far for my first pregnancy, and carrying two! I however don't feel proud. I feel ashamed and embarassed for not taking everything better, for not coping and not managing well. Women do this all the time and I took it like a toddler having a tantrum. I can't say how I did compared to anyone else because I'm not anyone else, and as it's my first pregnancy, I have absolutely nothing to compare it to... but I don't feel good about it. Feeling as I do tonight, practically bursting at the seams with love for these 2 unborn babies, I feel sad that I hadn't felt more of it sooner. I am glad that despite my issues with discomfort, pain and blood sugars that the babies are doing astoundingly well... growing perfectly, maintaining at a perfect rate all around, and no signs of pre-eclampsia either. I should have tried to be more grateful, to try and push through it more earlier, then maybe I'd be more comfortable now at the end of it. But I can't change how I was, I'll just have to do better once they are born and give them all the love and affection they deserve. They are our miracles; heaven knows how much we love them.

Oh, one last thing, I've only gained 40 pounds. Sounds like a lot I know, but if you factor in around 12 pounds of baby, 4 pounds of amniotic fluid, and 3 pounds of placenta.... I'm really doing pretty darned well. In fact, doctors all agree that within a few months of birth, I will be thinner than before I got pregnant! I take that as a very big win. I'm excited to get out and get exercise again, to jogging the neighbourhood with our bundles in their double stroller, and hitting the gym for drop in kickboxing.... oh yeah, this summer is going to be the best summer ever. I don't need to explain why, it'll be written all over our faces. Life is wonderful, love is plentiful, and our journey.... well it's just barely begun.


  1. Jackie! You have made me laugh and almost cry in this post. I think this is the point where we all feel so much the same. I am generally not this emotional about blog posts, but I feel like I went back 10 months and as if it were me saying this. God knows that I sure could have used an outlet like a blog back then!

    About feeling guilty: Our society is terrible in the way we treat mothers. I know this is easier to say than do, but don't let all that bring you down because it's BS - I've learned so much first hand!!! You have done an amazing job and obviously you will continue to do so, I mean if I can do it anyone can!! Everyone is so damn judgemental because we never see babies around doing baby things anymore being taken care of real mothers and fathers. I know I sure was before I had a baby. Because of that I should probably have more sympathy for those people, but I don't. I know the real solution is to immerse those people into baby-life so they can see. Ummm okay I'm rambling now...

    Anyway, keep up the great work and I can't wait to meet those two and their new parents :)

    One more thing - breastfeeding takes a lot of work, so you'll probably be amazed at how much weight you loose just by breast feeding. I also went below my pre-pregnancy weight by like 5 lbs. It felt amazing!

  2. I was thinner after Lucy, too...just a heads up LOL I think it's not the pregnancy that keeps weight on's the nursing afterwards (in addition to the screaming babie/s). It was soooo draining I'd just lay on the couch and eat and drink and be a bum. I hope you have the energy to get out and jog but I think a better course would be to MAKE SURE that you only keep healthy snacks in your house. I gained 20 lbs after having lucy just from eating crappy (I was exercising...but I only had one!)

    I'll pray for you <3 You are doing amazingly well. All pregnant women complain to some degree and most of us only have one :P

  3. Had to add that my captcha for the above post was 'damnags' LOLOLOL
