Saturday, April 3, 2010

The end of chapter 1...

Well here I am and I have officially completed Nanaimo's Biggest Loser. I started at 263.5 lbs, with an amazing 112.3 lbs of body fat to lose. I was 42.7% body fat, which is insane. My measurements were as follows in inches:

Chest - 50
Waist - 49
Hips - 51
Arms - 16.5
Legs - 30
Calves - 18

Once upon a time I had a lovely hourglass figure. I was a plus size, but I had an hourglass figure. That shape 3 months ago was completely gone. I'm not there yet, but I'm definitely making headway.

I have been pushed, bruised, exhausted and run completely ragged, but it has been worth it. So much so that I have signed up for The Last 20 Pounds Bootcamp. Once again I will be tortured and most days totally exhausted, but in the end I truly believe I will be in the best physical condition I have ever been in.

As of today, my stats have changed. I am down to 229 lbs. I have lost 34.5 pounds on the scale. I now have 58.3 lbs of body fat to lose. Almost half of what I was starting with. My percentage of body fat has gone down significantly, to 25.4% body fat. I have lost a grand total to date, of 54 pounds of body fat. 54 POUNDS! That's insane! And, to make me even happier, my water weight has started to come off. Yay! I'm due for another 20 lbs of water weight to just fall off. According to Joanna it should come off quite quickly, so I'm very much looking forward to that.
My new measurements don't seem that different, but you have to remember that the difference is in INCHES.

Chest - 46 (down 4 inches)
Waist - 43 (down 6 inches)
Hips - 48.5 (down 2.5 inches)
Arms - 13.5 (down 3 inches each arm)
Legs - 26.75 (down 3.25 inches)
Calves - 17 (down 1 inch)

So altogether I have lost 19.75 inches off my body. I have lost 54 lbs of fat, 19.75 inches, and 1 1/2 pant sizes. (hehe I had to add the last one) I've also gone down 2 underwear sizes, and 2 shirt sizes. (from 3x to 1x)

So, I will continue to post through my next program, and I will try to post pictures if we actually get them. The before pictures wound up being "corrupted" on the photographer's computer, so we most likely will never receive them. Sad? Definitely. But there's nothing to really be done about it. Hopefully I'll be able to purchase myself a hot outfit and post pictures of how I look now... and hopefully that will be enough for you all. lol if it's not, I'm sorry, but I really can't help that! Anyways, thanks for reading and sharing my journey with me, and stayed tuned for the next chapter in my weight loss story! Love you all!